2013_소비자생활협동조합의 사회적 성과 창출과정에 대한 질적 연구Research & Publications/Papers 2015. 9. 3. 18:15
소비자생활협동조합의 사회적 성과 창출과정에 대한 질적 연구 Qualitative Research on the Consumers Cooperative`s Process of Creating a Social Performance저자
신창섭 ( Chang Sub Shin ) ,박창길 ( Chang Ki Park )학술지명
The purpose of this study was to investigate the structure and process of creating social performance by the consumer cooperative. For the investigation, 11 month fieldwork was conducted at the iCOOP consumer cooperative. The data were collected through direct observations, documents, formal/informal interviews with 19 people. The collected data were analyzed using the grounded theory by Strauss & Corbin. The outcomes of social performance in the consumer cooperative were positive changes in the emotions and attitude toward life, positive feelings for efficacy of the cooperative policies by the cooperative members, improved economic lives of producer members, increased reputation of the cooperative and collaboration among different local cooperatives in the area. The social performances were created through diverse internal devices and business strategies of the organization to strengthen the representation of members and realize the expectations of members. The uniqueness of these devices and strategies of the cooperative can be characterized by the core concept of “control by members”. Accordingly general consumer cooperatives can be classified into four different types by the sub-dimensions of “control by members” in the study.주제어
소비자 협동조합, 사회적 성과, 참여관찰, 근거이론, 조합원통제'Research & Publications > Papers' 카테고리의 다른 글
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