2013_CoP 활성화를 통한 지식경영: 아이쿱생협의 인트라넷 활용사례Research & Publications/Papers 2015. 10. 5. 14:37
제목2013_협동조합의 조직학습 : 아이쿱(iCOOP) 생협 사례를 중심으로 저자박윤규 ( Yoon Kyu Park ) ,박상선 ( Sang Sun Park ) ,정찬율 ( Chan Yu Ljeong ) ,김다솜 ( Da Som Kim ) ,이재훈 ( Jae Hun Lee ) 학술지명지식경영연구 발행처 한국지식경영학회 초록This paper aims to describe how knowledge management could be put into practice in a voluntary way. From a practice-based standpoint, this study focused closely on the linkage between knowledge and practice. It is bec..