2013_CoP 활성화를 통한 지식경영: 아이쿱생협의 인트라넷 활용사례Research & Publications/Papers 2015. 10. 5. 14:37
2013_협동조합의 조직학습 : 아이쿱(iCOOP) 생협 사례를 중심으로
박윤규 ( Yoon Kyu Park ) ,박상선 ( Sang Sun Park ) ,정찬율 ( Chan Yu Ljeong ) ,김다솜 ( Da Som Kim ) ,이재훈 ( Jae Hun Lee )
This paper aims to describe how knowledge management could be put into practice in a voluntary way. From a practice-based standpoint, this study focused closely on the linkage between knowledge and practice. It is because knowledge management could fail if not put into practice. Using its own information system, iCOOP, a federation of consumers` co-operatives in Korea has been practised successful knowledge management voluntarily with its members. Based on the exploratory case study on iCOOP, this study conducted focused interviews with 5 member co-operatives of iCOOP. Main findings are as follows. First, an NoP emerges within a corporate information system when corporate work processes are concentrated in the information system. Second, corporate information system facilitates CoPs and the NoP when its information and information about its users are opened to all of the information system users. In conclusion, this study points out that it is not the matter of primary importance to build a knowledge management system. Rather, practice has the key to the successful knowledge management.
CoP, 실행공동체, 실행네트워크, 지식경영, 정보시스템, 중소기업
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